Wednesday, October 26, 2011

3 Step Program: Step #1 - Audiobit

If you've been a part of the SLO EDM scene for any amount of time then you've heard of Audiobit. If you haven't then it's about time you start paying attention because he's going to be annihilating your eardrums before they explode during either Zeds Dead and Laidback Luke. I thought you might like to know the individual responsible for your impaired hearing so I have an exclusive interview with the man himself! When you're done reading there's a few tracks along with Audiobit's winning mix from Con10uum. Enjoy!

SB - What first inspired you to become a DJ/Producer?
Audiobit - I played a bunch of instruments from a young age, and I really wanted to have a band but no one was as serious about it as I was... So when I saw a DJ up there doing it all himself and making music all by himself, I was super interested. Having control of every aspect of songs seemed awesome to me.

What do you like most about the EDM scene in SLO?
Everyone's so dedicated and wants to have a good time! The crowd here just loves it, rain or shine.

If you could peform at any show/massive/venue, which one would you choose?

Any insomniac event really, it's been a goal of mine for a while now.

What do you like to do When you're not producing/performing?
I skateboard, hang out with friends, cause mischief, snowboard, jam some guitar, everyday stuff.

Do you have anything special planned for your set this Wednesday?
I'm bringing a good friend of mine on stage to rap to some tunes, its going to be epic! We're working on it right now actually!

Is there anything you want to say to your fans?
Thank you guys so much for the support and everything! You guys are the shit! I wouldn't be here without you.

Catch Audiobit opening for Zeds Dead and Laidback Luke TONIGHT at the Madonna Inn Expo Center!!!

*Audiobit - Vampyre*

*AUDIOBIT - Hella Hard*

*Audiobit - Rock the Bit*

*Audiobit live @ Con10uum*

Like Audiobit on Facebook
Audiobit's Soundcloud

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